Upcoming and Out of Print Books by Roland Hughes


The Phallus of AGILE and Other Ruminations

This book is a series of essays about the AGILE scam overtaking IT and other Ruminations about life in general. It is meant to be both informative and fun. Those of you familiar with the Ruminations chapters found in The Minimum You Need to Know book series know what to expect from this book cover to cover.

Out of Print Books:

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Zinc It! 1.5  UIW_TABLE Exposed

ISBN: 0-934272-41-7

Format: Paperback, 128pp
Pub. Date: August 1996
Publisher: John Gordon Burke Pub., Inc.

This book is out of print.  It was written to help developers use the newly introduced UIW_TABLE object.  Documentation and example programs provided by the vendor caused massive confusion.  This book built upon the first book as far as tools used.

Available in PDF format from the Google book site.  There are no printed copies left to my knowledge.  My last printed copy went to Google so they could scan it to PDF.  At some point they will finish scanning it.

Zinc It! Interfacing Third Party Libraries with
          Cross Platform GUI'S

Zinc It!  Interfacing Third Party Libraries with Cross Platform GUI'S

ISBN 0-934272-39-5
Format: Paperback
Publisher: John Gordon Burke Pub., Inc.

Written by Roland Hughes and originally put out by John Gordon Burke Publisher, Inc. in 1995.  A limited number of copies have been retrieved from storage and will be available through a page at the Island Computer Web site in the future.  A CD-ROM is included with this book. 

This book covered using the Watcom C/C++ compiler, the Zinc Application Framework, X-32VM with FlashGraphics, CodeBase, Greenleaf Database, Btrv++, ODBC, POET and Greenleaf CommLib.  Various programs were written under DOS, 32-bit DOS, Windows 3.x and OS/2 Warp showing how to interface the products.

Much of the code is once again relevant given the emergence of OpenWatcom, the return to the marketplace of Greenleaf Software, and new owners for the Zinc Application Framework.  The C++ cross platform GUI market has gotten renewed interest.  Once these copies are gone no more will be available.  This is a very limited number of books pulled from a storage unit. 

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