Yes, they really should. We have genetic misfits being quoted in the paper about how much the new $1/pack increase on tobacco products is going to raise for the state. I’m not a bible thumper, but both the bible and scientists have said that repeated generations of brother and sister mating would eventually lead to non-viable offspring and Springfield now appears to be living proof of that.
Illinois shares a long and winding border with Indiana. Tobacco tax in Indiana is 99.5 cents last time I looked on-line. With a tax that is nearly $1 per pack less than Illinois, residents on the east side of Illinois are going to pile into a 40MPG car and drive less than 20 miles to Indiana once per month.
If you really want to raise taxes in Illinois, put a $10 per session tax on religious worship in religious places and a $1 tax on every bible, Quran, and Tora distributed in the state even if it isn’t sold. You’ll be flush with funds in no time.