Posted inExperience / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Comet TV – What Syfy Used to Be

It’s no secret the Syfy channel has went to complete shit. They were a big reason I dumped DirecTV. Why pay all of that money when the networks I used to love aren’t worth watching anymore? Turns out I’m not the only one who lost patience with them when they went all fake-reality all the time they weren’t running professional wrestling. Seriously, the amount of steroids those wrestlers consumer is interesting from a “why aren’t they dead yet?” standpoint but, not really a science fiction thing.

Stargate SG-1 image
Stargate SG-1

Yes, I have lamented before about the dramatic and unforgivable fall of the Syfy channel. But, we have hope. Remember when Syfy was great old science fiction movies and Stargate SG-1 all the time? Well, you now have a new home, CometTV. It’s even available over the air in many markets. As of April 3, 2017 Stargate is back. And, it appears they are running them in order. They do a kind of cool thing too. They run 2 episodes, then re-rerun the same 2 episodes immediately so if you came in late you can still see it all.

Don’t know about your viewing area, but for those on Central time U.S. they start at 7pm. I may just have to miss the NCIS lineup on Tuesdays.

Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine cover
Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine

Yes, they have some really awesome science fiction movies. By awesome I mean a lot of the B-grade cheesy awesome. I mean, they dug up Vincent Price!

I am a bit saddened that they are running “Dead Like Me” during the middle of a weekday. It’s actually one I never got around to seeing but thought I would really like.

Roland Hughes started his IT career in the early 1980s. He quickly became a consultant and president of Logikal Solutions, a software consulting firm specializing in OpenVMS application and C++/Qt touchscreen/embedded Linux development. Early in his career he became involved in what is now called cross platform development. Given the dearth of useful books on the subject he ventured into the world of professional author in 1995 writing the first of the "Zinc It!" book series for John Gordon Burke Publisher, Inc.

A decade later he released a massive (nearly 800 pages) tome "The Minimum You Need to Know to Be an OpenVMS Application Developer" which tried to encapsulate the essential skills gained over what was nearly a 20 year career at that point. From there "The Minimum You Need to Know" book series was born.

Three years later he wrote his first novel "Infinite Exposure" which got much notice from people involved in the banking and financial security worlds. Some of the attacks predicted in that book have since come to pass. While it was not originally intended to be a trilogy, it became the first book of "The Earth That Was" trilogy:
Infinite Exposure
Lesedi - The Greatest Lie Ever Told
John Smith - Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars

When he is not consulting Roland Hughes posts about technology and sometimes politics on his blog. He also has regularly scheduled Sunday posts appearing on the Interesting Authors blog.