Welcome to the Great Visa Worker Purge! Here we have corporate America running a fake cover story about a recession so they can purge well over a quarter million visa workers without going to prison. Why do they need a cover story? Because perjury comes with a prison sentence just like wire fraud does. More than 11 years ago the CEOs testified under oath in Washington that there was a “skills gap” in America and … The Great Visa Worker PurgeRead more
visa workers
The Upside of Coronavirus
Like most of you, I get a lot of spam. It sucks. Just cleaning out the junk mail folder can be time consuming because the auto-detection sometimes auto-detects the wrong thing. Here is a piece of spam which made me smile. This is something I didn’t really know. The length of the grace period between being canned and being sent home. I did know after going home one could have to wait up to a … The Upside of CoronavirusRead more
Is California a Modern Day Jim Crow State
On New Years Eve, like many geeks, I set about doing some year end backups and OS upgrades. It also lead to some experiments with OpenMandriva and OpenSuSE Tumbleweed, but that is fodder for another post. I bring it up to set the stage for why I ended up surfing to the UseNet group “Political Euwetopia” and being entertained by people who obviously haven’t been taking all of their meds. You can’t really do much … Is California a Modern Day Jim Crow StateRead more
The Return to Program Hiring
If you live long enough, everything comes around again. Well, hopefully not leisure suits, but it appears some things from the 70s are making a comeback. In this case it is mass hiring of tech workers from college. During the 60s and 70s there was a massive software development effort under way. There, quite literally were not enough programmers to go around. Large corporations needing order entry, inventory, accounting, warehouse management, payroll and any number … The Return to Program HiringRead more