Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Investing / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

The Great Visa Worker Purge

Welcome to the Great Visa Worker Purge! Here we have corporate America running a fake cover story about a recession so they can purge well over a quarter million visa workers without going to prison. Why do they need a cover story? Because perjury comes with a prison sentence just like wire fraud does. More than 11 years ago the CEOs testified under oath in Washington that there was a “skills gap” in America and … The Great Visa Worker PurgeRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

The Upside of Coronavirus

Like most of you, I get a lot of spam. It sucks. Just cleaning out the junk mail folder can be time consuming because the auto-detection sometimes auto-detects the wrong thing. Here is a piece of spam which made me smile. This is something I didn’t really know. The length of the grace period between being canned and being sent home. I did know after going home one could have to wait up to a … The Upside of CoronavirusRead more

Posted inInformation Technology / Politics

Is California a Modern Day Jim Crow State

On New Years Eve, like many geeks, I set about doing some year end backups and OS upgrades. It also lead to some experiments with OpenMandriva and OpenSuSE Tumbleweed, but that is fodder for another post. I bring it up to set the stage for why I ended up surfing to the UseNet group “Political Euwetopia” and being entertained by people who obviously haven’t been taking all of their meds. You can’t really do much … Is California a Modern Day Jim Crow StateRead more

Posted inInformation Technology / Investing

The Return to Program Hiring

If you live long enough, everything comes around again. Well, hopefully not leisure suits, but it appears some things from the 70s are making a comeback. In this case it is mass hiring of tech workers from college. During the 60s and 70s there was a massive software development effort under way. There, quite literally were not enough programmers to go around. Large corporations needing order entry, inventory, accounting, warehouse management, payroll and any number … The Return to Program HiringRead more