Here is a list of Linux cheats I just want to keep handy. They will be added to as time goes on. When creating OpenSource software, you have to develop and test on many different distros. No, you can’t “just do Ubuntu.” Given the medical devices I help create and the Yocto building I do, I’m constantly frustrated by differing package managers and such. List Installed Packages Fedora Ubuntu 90% of the time I’m looking … Linux CheatsRead more
Fixing That Annoying Ubuntu Password Policy
We’ve all been there and the Ubuntu password policy is only getting worse. They really need to print their justification arguments on a roll of toilet paper and wipe their ass with them when they have a checkbox on the install to not require a password for login. There is no security argument you can make when you allow that. They also aren’t smart enough to disable said password policy when Guest Additions is installed … Fixing That Annoying Ubuntu Password PolicyRead more
PageEdit – BlueGriffin
PageEdit is a true pleasure for editing html files that will be use for things like online documentation or even in-app help. For many years I used BlueGriffon but the last update of that was 2019 and some Linux distros have dropped inclusion. Technically they only supported Ubuntu, but AUR had a build as did other places. Given Ubuntu’s massive bloat and sluggish performance since the 20.04 release (getting far worse with 22.04) people are … PageEdit – BlueGriffinRead more
Using Your Core Dumps
So, you read the last post and now know where to find your core dumps, great. Now what? That always seems to be the question, doesn’t it. What good is a core dump? The answer is “They can be really good, but you need tools.” Emacs No matter how much you hate it, no matter how much you think it is from the stone age, no matter how bloated you think it is, install GUI … Using Your Core DumpsRead more
Finding Your Core Dumps
Admit it, you and every other developer hates debugging other developer’s code, especially when it core dumps. Can it get any worse than hearing them say “works for me” when it dumps 100% of the time for you? Regular readers of this blog will know I’ve written about core dumps before. I’ve written about Ubuntu too many times to count. If some other Linux desktop distro would actually test with Nvidia drivers prior to shipping … Finding Your Core DumpsRead more