Posted inInformation Technology

Making the GigaWare 2600460 Keyboard Work With Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

There was a time when RadioShack was cool and when it had some great cheap products. The GigaWare 2600460 keyboard was one such product. This is sometimes listed as 26-460 and sometimes just called the GigaWare Multimedia keyboard. It has a pleasant and unusual feel when typing. Some of the modern keyboards are like banging your fingers onto the table top with each stroke. Other membrane keyboards have a bad habit of starting out great … Making the GigaWare 2600460 Keyboard Work With Ubuntu 20.04 LTSRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

Fixing Ubuntu Duplicate Printers

Duplicate printers are annoying. Many times I feel Canonical long ago abandoned the “Just Works” slogan for “Just Ship It!” What makes it worse is the duplicate entries don’t work. Duplicate printers are happening on every system in my office. Doesn’t matter if the system started with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS minimal beta/pre-release or a full install from the current ISO. At the very best it is sloppy. At the very worst it is a complete … Fixing Ubuntu Duplicate PrintersRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

A Ubuntu Compatible AC Wifi Card

In the land of Ubuntu and Linux in general one thing that has really sucked is Wifi support. Oh, it has it, just generally lags 2-8 years behind when it comes to chipset support. I remember first installing Ubuntu on my Acer Inspire One. Thank God it had a cable connection port to backup the built in Wifi because it was years before that chipset got support. Recently I re-arranged a few things in that … A Ubuntu Compatible AC Wifi CardRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 4

Keep in mind I have a minimal Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on this system and will be building PostgreSQL support into CopperSpice. The Building for Unix instructions assume a full installation and even then aren’t complete. By using a minimal install I can help even non-Ubuntu users because I will find everything that got missed. One of the first things I want to do is try converting my XpnsQt project from Qt to CopperSpice. This and … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 4Read more