Posted inExperience / Information Technology

The Closed Question

I get a lot of shit for saying that Stack Overflow is the land of 12 year old boys, but it is the gospel truth. I don’t care how old they really are, they haven’t made it past the age of 12 mentally. Here is another shining example of why I make the statement. I stumbled across this while searching for all of the latest C++/C keywords so I could update a set of regular … The Closed QuestionRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

Qt and USB – Pt. 7

It took quite a bit of poking around to get as far as I am. Doing a whole bunch of training at a new client site and coming home with a brain of mush doesn’t help either. Adding insult to injury it seems that 90% of the “working code” posted on Stack Exchange is non-functioning feces which won’t even compile. When you need grown up answers, don’t go to Stack Exchange. It’s a place for … Qt and USB – Pt. 7Read more