Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Raspberry Qt – Part 12 – QML Blows Big Stinky Chunks

Given all of the rah-rah about QML and all of the calls I get about it I think it is time for a level headed appraisal. Unless you are developing only for a platform which already has to drag around the fully loaded 18 wheeler known as a javascript engine and it is actually able to do it, there is no reason to be using QML. You don’t give your battery powered contraption which has … Raspberry Qt – Part 12 – QML Blows Big Stinky ChunksRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

C++ 11 and Qt — Part 1

The medical device touch screen world tends to stay well behind on “new” standards and features and for good reason. Given the 5+ year FDA mandated testing and approval cycle for things with varying potential of catastrophic patient outcome bleeding edge isn’t a welcome thing. Judging from recent contract postings some devices are locked into Qt 3.3.x because that is what was used when they were first built. Until recently most newer devices were sticking … C++ 11 and Qt — Part 1Read more

Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 7

Finding the serial port There is one chunk of the code we really do need to discuss and that is the snippet of how the application chooses its serial port beginning around line 48 in serialthread.cpp. I even put a comment in the code to explain why it looks the way it does.     // One cannot be certain about order if more than one serial port is on the system.     // My HP … Raspberry Qt – Part 7Read more

Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 5

I’m going to take you down the slow road. First we will get our application running on the Ubuntu development machine and test our cabling. Then we will go through the pain of getting Qt installed and configured on the Pi. I probably should have used a machine with a fresh Ubuntu install. This one was only a few months old, but I had already done quite a bit. QtCreator and a few pieces of … Raspberry Qt – Part 5Read more

Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 1

I must apologize in advance. Yes, I’ve had to do quite a few things in the embedded/semi-embedded world with Qt on Linux. Yes, this increasingly means cross compiling Qt applications to run in various configurations on the Raspberry Pi. These posts will be sporadic and they will not be a soup to nuts tutorial on how to go from a box showing up in the mail to having a real usable embedded application on the … Raspberry Qt – Part 1Read more