Admittedly we are at the “I hate broken things” stage of this project. The application itself will compile and run locally, but distcc used to work. As you can see, even the browse functionality works. At first I thought this was simply due to moldy posts on the Internet. Lots of posts say things like “current version of Linux” instead of the actual version they are using. For the record: roland@roland-desktop:~/piBuild/pitools/arm-bcm2708$ lsb_release -irc Distributor … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 10Read more
KDE Neon – Distcc and Qt
One of the tools which was wildly touted years ago was distcc. This is a distributed compilation system which can be brutal to set up, but can also dramatically reduce compilation times for big jobs. It has fallen out of favor in recent years because most developers end up getting a quad or more core machine with a modern enough CPU to have all kinds of virtualization and hyper threading. These machines also tend to … KDE Neon – Distcc and QtRead more
How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 1
Occasionally life gives you a chance to look back at your past and to allow others to resoundingly embarrass you for it. This weekend is such an occasion. Yes, I have a party for my nephew to attend and I will visit my dad at least once if not twice, but, the weather isn’t going to cooperate enough that I can help my brother continue planting season. In an ordinary year we would be long … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 1Read more
Qt 5.8.0 – The Microsoft Blues
Microsoft is long known for releasing bug ridden bloatware then charging for the bug fixes. Windows Vista followed by its bug fix Windows 7 and who could ever forget Windows ME? In its defense, Windows ME was not an operating system. It was a task switching GUI running on top of DOS fraudulently sold as an operating system just like 2000, 98, 95, 3.1x, 3.x, 2.x, 1.x and “for workgroups.” Anyone using or writing PC … Qt 5.8.0 – The Microsoft BluesRead more
Raspberry Qt – Part 13 – A Bit of Explanation
Please read Part 12 first. Were this a book I would be printing and explaining a lot of code. This isn’t a product people are paying for so it will be a bit more limited. Hopefully you pulled down the original source zip posted quite a ways back in this thread. You should have also pulled down the Pi QML zip file from my previous post. Now you just have to pull down this file.deskQml … Raspberry Qt – Part 13 – A Bit of ExplanationRead more