Posted inExperience / Information Technology


Some months ago I was working at a client in Chicago and needed an external hard drive to transfer some files. There was a Staples I could walk to over my lunch hour and they didn’t have a bad price on a USB 3.0 6TB Seagate drive. When I first got the thing it was fantastic! Hooked to the back of an IBM ThinkCentre, it seemed faster than the internal hard drive. For a while … SeaToolsRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

That Weird SQLite Error from Qt configure

A YABU is a YABU is a YABU. That’w what you keep telling yourself. Some day it “might” even be true, but, I wouldn’t hold my breath. So, you’ve been building Qt from source. Say 5.9.7? Always been doing it on Ubuntu 18.04. In fact you have a setup script you cut and paste from when setting up new machines. It’s worked flawlessly multiple times. A monkey could set up a new machine . . … That Weird SQLite Error from Qt configureRead more

Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi

How Far We’ve Come – Pt 11

This post is a bit of housekeeping. Since I started this series my development machines have all moved to KDE Neon so I started reading forward from the original post and when I got to this post I realized we didn’t have a pre-installed method of restoring a Raspbian image. Yes, there are lots of posts giving you the dd command for restore after you run a bunch of other commands to identify the SD … How Far We’ve Come – Pt 11Read more

Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi

KDE Neon – Distcc and Qt

One of the tools which was wildly touted years ago was distcc. This is a distributed compilation system which can be brutal to set up, but can also dramatically reduce compilation times for big jobs. It has fallen out of favor in recent years because most developers end up getting a quad or more core machine with a modern enough CPU to have all kinds of virtualization and hyper threading. These machines also tend to … KDE Neon – Distcc and QtRead more