Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Most Text Editors Get Tabs Wrong

Why do PC based text editors get tabs wrong? I’ve been getting back into COBOL and writing a book on GnuCOBOL. This lead me to writing a book on Emacs. For no more people than they have, they’ve done an amazing job. This lead me to poking around for the correct editor, preferably one that could be close to a full blown IDE. I know. During my VAX/VMS days I happily used EDT, dropped to … Most Text Editors Get Tabs WrongRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Thank You For Your Future Abandonware

Few things honk me off quite as much as abandonware, especially when something good is abandoned. Microsoft could abandon everything they make and I would not care, none of it is a quality product. Other things really hurt. You are reading this because there was yet another Qt question on the Qt mailing list from yet another person creating yet another glorified text editor/crippled word processor. I think this one was supposed to support markup … Thank You For Your Future AbandonwareRead more