Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Investing

Nothing Can Save Intel

Quite honestly, nothing can save Intel (INTC). They’ve had one processor, the x86, and they have been trying to spin that one-trick-pony for decades. Every time they try to break new ground it’s a catastrophe. Most of you are probably too young to remember the Itantic (officially called the Itanium). That chip family was finally taken out to the woods and got two behind the ear which is what it should have had prior to … Nothing Can Save IntelRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Investing / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Bitcoin – Intel – and the Coming Financial Near Apocalypse

Eventually a better version of this will most likely be included in “The Phallus of AGILE and Other Ruminations.” I wanted to get at least part of it written down while much of it is fresh in my mind. I went to visit friends shortly after New Years Eve and we got into a discussion on crypto currency. I almost communicated my point, but not quite. Speaking out loud is rarely as effective for me … Bitcoin – Intel – and the Coming Financial Near ApocalypseRead more