Today I received the following email. You will notice they didn’t publish a rate for a natural born U.S. citizen who isn’t a walking talking national security risk. ============== Click here to if you no longer wish to receive our emails Dear Partner, Pro-Tek Consulting is a highly recognized provider of professional IT Consulting services in the US. Here is our open requirement which can be filled immediately. Kindly respond to this requirement with your consultant … Just How Blatant Can They Legally Be?Read more
InfoSys Nailed Again!–finance.html?_esi=1 This time by an account manager! If anyone should have know about the criminal activity it should have been the account manager.
The Mythical IT Shortage
It seems you cannot turn on a newscast or read a business magazine these days without hearing about this mythical IT shortage. I’ve been hearing about it for years. The truth is, there is a glut of IT talent on the market. While the industry rags have been quoting the lowest unemployment for IT professionals in ages, they strategically waited until enough had been on unemployment so long they fell off. It is legal fraud, … The Mythical IT ShortageRead more