Posted inInformation Technology

Using Your Core Dumps

So, you read the last post and now know where to find your core dumps, great. Now what? That always seems to be the question, doesn’t it. What good is a core dump? The answer is “They can be really good, but you need tools.” Emacs No matter how much you hate it, no matter how much you think it is from the stone age, no matter how bloated you think it is, install GUI … Using Your Core DumpsRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Some Mainframe Nostalgia

I only dabbled on the IBM mainframe over my 30+ year career. One thing that gives me great nostalgia now is SPF. SPFLite2 in particular. I don’t actually remember what we had on ROSCOE when I made the mistake of attending DeVry in Lombard. It kind of reminded me of the editor I had to use later at client sites. You see, I was either a PC consultant or a DEC/VAX consultant. Prior to the … Some Mainframe NostalgiaRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 9

Diamond text editor now has many new features, including backups. Here is a run-down. Yeah, it’s been a while. Life keeps getting in the way of actually writing something here. I’m also migrating from through to inMotion hosting service. That gets its own blog post once complete. Despite all of that, a lot of code has changed in the repo. Just be sure you choose the diamond-themes branch. Themes work really well. Not … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 9Read more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Most Text Editors Get Tabs Wrong

Why do PC based text editors get tabs wrong? I’ve been getting back into COBOL and writing a book on GnuCOBOL. This lead me to writing a book on Emacs. For no more people than they have, they’ve done an amazing job. This lead me to poking around for the correct editor, preferably one that could be close to a full blown IDE. I know. During my VAX/VMS days I happily used EDT, dropped to … Most Text Editors Get Tabs WrongRead more