Here is a list of Linux cheats I just want to keep handy. They will be added to as time goes on. When creating OpenSource software, you have to develop and test on many different distros. No, you can’t “just do Ubuntu.” Given the medical devices I help create and the Yocto building I do, I’m constantly frustrated by differing package managers and such. List Installed Packages Fedora Ubuntu 90% of the time I’m looking … Linux CheatsRead more
I Hate Mercurial
Mercurial is one of those source control management systems that a token few people like and the vast majority of the world shuns. Most of us shun it for good reason. Git, on the other hand, is one of those source control management systems than many people like, and it is for no good reason. Git is not a good SCM, it’s a wild wild west SCM. To use it for a medical device project … I Hate MercurialRead more
How to Fork a Mercurial Project on SourceForge
Forking a Mercurial project on SourceForge isn’t as straight forward as one might think. If you jump straight to fork without first creating a project, you are going to end up with a personal tool. A personal tool is fine if you are working on a new feature you hope might one day be included in the project from whence you forked. In my case I was adding CopperSpice support to Scintilla because Qt no … How to Fork a Mercurial Project on SourceForgeRead more