Welcome to the Great Visa Worker Purge! Here we have corporate America running a fake cover story about a recession so they can purge well over a quarter million visa workers without going to prison. Why do they need a cover story? Because perjury comes with a prison sentence just like wire fraud does. More than 11 years ago the CEOs testified under oath in Washington that there was a “skills gap” in America and … The Great Visa Worker PurgeRead more
The Fake Recession
You have been hearing lots of recession talk in the news. It’s all marketing for a fake recession to hide the fact companies got caught with their hand in the financial cookie jar again. Donald Trump has proved to the world that people are imbeciles who will believe anything if they hear it enough. There are still people who believe him and believe the rigged election bullshit despite 60 failed lawsuits that provided zero evidence … The Fake RecessionRead more
The Mythical IT Shortage
It seems you cannot turn on a newscast or read a business magazine these days without hearing about this mythical IT shortage. I’ve been hearing about it for years. The truth is, there is a glut of IT talent on the market. While the industry rags have been quoting the lowest unemployment for IT professionals in ages, they strategically waited until enough had been on unemployment so long they fell off. It is legal fraud, … The Mythical IT ShortageRead more