Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 6

Sorry I haven’t written in a while. Life has been busy and I’ve been hacking away at Diamond in my “spare” time. I guess I need to catch this post series up. I used GitKraken to clone the repository into ~/Projects/diamond. Then I created ~/Projects/diamond_build and ~/Projects/diamond_debug. Diamond had an additional dependency of hunspell. After that it was time to build. Change to the build directory and type the following: Yeah! We are ready to … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 6Read more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 2

Diamond is cross platform. It runs on Linux and other platforms supported by CopperSpice. There are some things I would like to try adding and donating back to the community. Themes – Right now you can just set individual colors but I would like to enhance that part to add the ability to save named sets of colors. I intend to try setting up a few from the world of Emacs that I like so … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 2Read more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments Pt. 1

CopperSpice is a fork of Qt 4.8 sans the icky nasty bug infested (and infesting) QML. Lots of bad things have been cleaned up, like replacing UTF-8 under the hood with QChar32 so every character requires same amount of space. Yes, it wastes a bit of RAM, but there is a lot less overhead. Qt Company has offended the bulk of the Qt developer community with its new licensing stance. Not to mention its attitude … CopperSpice Experiments Pt. 1Read more