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CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 17

I’m putting this here because I discovered it while trying to fix a rather horrible “busy” dialog in the Advanced Search portion of Diamond. I had to create a GUI “Hello World” application to test this out so I could file a “simple” bug report. According to the doc animated GIF is supported on all platforms. The code for Linux is a tad behind the documentation. When I build and run this on Ubuntu 20.04 … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 17Read more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 10

Introducing OpenSuSE into this process was a whim. Bad whim! Bad whim! Don’t listen to that whim! The real problem with not creating The Four Holy Documents up front is that you tend to get distracted by bright shiny objects. As you learned in my last post I decided to give Diamond a Debian build script/process. I’ve done a few of these over the years and firmly believe both CopperSpice and Diamond won’t be picked … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 10Read more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 9

Diamond text editor now has many new features, including backups. Here is a run-down. Yeah, it’s been a while. Life keeps getting in the way of actually writing something here. I’m also migrating from through to inMotion hosting service. That gets its own blog post once complete. Despite all of that, a lot of code has changed in the repo. Just be sure you choose the diamond-themes branch. Themes work really well. Not … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 9Read more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 8

This post is actually what pushed the other two posts out the door. I wanted to write this one, but unless you understood how I got here, it would make no sense. In adding EDT numeric keypad support I’ve run headlong into a Qt design flaw I haven’t seen in years. Mainly, I haven’t seen it because I’ve been doing touchscreen development so the keyboard input stuff hasn’t matter. QKeyEvent doesn’t have a method that … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 8Read more

Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 7

Arrival of Overlord. What started out as “a few tweaks” has ended up becoming something of a gut and redevelop. I’m not saying there was anything wrong with the code, it just didn’t lend itself to easily doing what I want. Now that I’ve spent quite a bit of time with it I can understand how it happened. Barb can feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like Diamond was originally … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 7Read more