Posted inInformation Technology

CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 11

If you have been following the saga you have a pretty good idea of the new features added to Diamond. These have not been turned over to the parent project and are not rolled into the code base! The exist only in my branch of my fork of Diamond. Next on my list of tasks was to build a Debian package for the editor. If you ever want some Debian based distro or Debian itself … CopperSpice Experiments – Pt. 11Read more

Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 4

Back in the day of Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) everyone had to use a modem to connect to either a bulletin board or friend’s computer. This was long before the Internet. Ordinarily people ran their Unix/Linux desktop systems from the root (all powerful) account and DOS, well, it didn’t have the concept of user accounts. Well, it later did when Digital Research released DR MDOS, but that is a story for a different time. At … Raspberry Qt – Part 4Read more

Posted inInformation Technology

Debian on Nextbook Flexx

Ah, the continuing saga of trying to get Linux on Nextbook devices. Much additional research turned up Debian having a multi-arch distro. I downloaded the nearly 4 Gig file and followed procedures listed in my earlier post. I was quite pleased to see the thumb drive needed no modifications for Debian installer to boot, however, my pleasure was short lived. Debian has no driver for RTL8723BS SDIO wifi devices. Adding insult to injury, it would … Debian on Nextbook FlexxRead more