Most books only give you a once-over-lightly when it comes to GDB, especially GDB breakpoints inside of Emacs. They show you how to set a breakpoint. While that is important, it doesn’t do much to tell a developer why they should use the non-sexy Emacs front end for GDB instead of some GUI. To start with GUIs don’t give you the GDB command line. Here is the situation. CsScintilla is a CopperSpice port of Scintilla … Emacs GDB BreakpointsRead more
Posted inInformation Technology
VERSION, SOVERSION, and Tiny x86 Minds
The tiny x86 mindset keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. Lately they’ve done it with SOVERSION. It wouldn’t be so bad if their decisions didn’t jack up the world for at least a decade. These stupid decisions go all the way back to IBM and it’s first PC where they opted to place the address space for adapter cards (like video) in the address space 640-1024K, thus creating a 640K barrier for … VERSION, SOVERSION, and Tiny x86 MindsRead more