Yes, it is true that the vast majority of Linux users don’t run ClamAV or any kind of virus protection. The list of known viruses for Linux is quite small so they feel no need. The reality is, they exist. With more and more companies using Linux for systems that matter, we all need to help them out by running ClamAV. No company wants to be the next T-Mobile with two massive data breaches inside … Manjaro and ClamAVRead more
Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Thank You Sir May I Have Another
Linux Anti-Virus Software Experiments
At some point we Linux users have to install anti-virus and malware software, if for no other reason than to protect the token few completely useless Windows boxes left in the world. A few enterprising rectal sphincters have also been writing email viruses for cross platform email clients and their various address book solutions. There’s even a token few Linux specific viruses. On a few machines I installed clamav from the distro repos. Two machines … Linux Anti-Virus Software ExperimentsRead more