I don’t have a Twitter account, nor do I want one. Interesting Authors Blog has a Twitter feed so once in a blue moon I click the box at the right on that blog and verify things look okay. Today I found out there is yet another bug in this “Social Media Auto Publish” plug-in from xyzscripts.com. Never get anything from these people. It is just untested shit. Shiny examples of why AGILE Methodology is … Another Reason AGILE SucksRead more
Script Kiddies and the Catastrophes They Cause
This is yet another installment of “Move Quickly and Turn Worthless Shit Into Production.” When you come up through real software development, not this worthless script kiddie shit being touted as great, but real software development, you understand there is a method to the madness. You have to do all of that documentation up front so there are procedures and rules in place the QA team can use to verify everything using tests which do … Script Kiddies and the Catastrophes They CauseRead more
How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 6
The Backup Script As I started to get back into this I realized I skipped one final yet critical piece of the system. The backup script. I imagine some of you questioned where I got the csv files for Postgres to import. As I said, one of the main reasons I went with Postgres all of those years ago is that I was tired of dealing with the oddities of backup and restore with DBF … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 6Read more
Move Quickly and Turn Worthless Shit Into Production
We’ve all heard the phrase attributed to FaceBook “Move quickly and break things.” Some people have turned it into a totally fraudulent development methodology called Agile. Today I got to have a lovely exchange with what could charitably be called “offshore support” from Dice.com. I had come across a posting of interest and wanted to identify all of the other pimps hawking the same contract. Why? Because, even though the pimp flagged the contract as … Move Quickly and Turn Worthless Shit Into ProductionRead more
GitLab Bites the Big One!
Let this be a cautionary tale for anyone who things wanna-be operating systems on wanna-be computers using software written under a fraudulent methodology named Agile is fit to run a business on. GitLab.com Melts Down There is a reason real computers with real operating systems have a /VERIFY clause on their BACKUP command. There is a reason their backups take longer, because quality matters. On a real operating system using a real database you cannot … GitLab Bites the Big One!Read more