AGILE. The new corporate buzz phrase for hacking on the fly. Keller MBAs in a room sounding like a yard full of chickens chanting “cut costs, cut costs, cut costs” have been falling all over themselves because when you remove engineering from “software engineering,” it’s cheaper. You can even use lower skilled, lower cost developers because they don’t have to know much to do AGILE. Software engineering is the application of principles used in the … Did AGILE make the 737 Max fall from the sky?Read more
HUAWEI and the Phallus of Clouds
I have blogged for many years that cloud computing was a train wreck waiting for a plane crash to hit it so it could roll down the hill into a daycare center at lunch time. Too many worthless MBA diploma mills cranking out even more worthless management who can only chant buzz phrases like “quick win” and “cut costs.” Not one of them actually knows how to run and build a business. They are all … HUAWEI and the Phallus of CloudsRead more
Another Shining Example of AGILE
Facebook (FB) is one of the most notorious proponents of AGILE. “Move quickly and break things.” AGILE – hacking on the fly without any design or road map while committing accounting fraud. Hacking on the fly gets you stories like these. The Declaration of Independence flagged as hate speech. When it comes to the Facebook development team, I can’t help but think of this movie. Definitely the kind of people you want working on a … Another Shining Example of AGILERead more
Fake Geeks
One of the most annoying parts about being a geek is dealing with a world full of “fake geeks.” In a world full of fake news, fake sincerity and fake ethics (thank you Bill and Hillary Clinton!) I guess it was bound to happen. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve always had “fake geeks.” Most of them were management. You’ve all encountered them. That one worthless MBA who would stand just out of sight while real … Fake GeeksRead more
This is what happens when you use AGILE and off-shore labor
An account setup form where August is not allowed to have 30 days, but the automated testing via Jenkins passed it with flying colors. off-shore labor combined with AGILE gives you North Korean knock-off quality.