I will never understand why people join Facebook or why they don’t ditch Facebook. You should never post that much about yourself online. “Oh no, I have private pages” is the usual response. Well, 553 Million users just had their personal information posted on a hacker site. Yes, your information. If you are a user you should expect you are part of the 500 million. Yes, I’ve posted about security breaches before. They happen all … Yet Another Reason to Ditch FacebookRead more
What surprised you the most in your career as a software engineer?
The race to the bottom. I started in the early 1980s. Employers championed tight code that worked well. During the late 1980s till today there has been a constant dumbing down of software development. Hacking on the fly was always shunned. Now it is called AGILE and expecting people to pay for a hand polished turd is standard business practice. Software quality has fallen through the floor and it is gaining speed as it heads … What surprised you the most in your career as a software engineer?Read more
Iowa Caucus 2020 – AGILE’s Third Mega-Failure
Because AGILE allows companies to commit SOX accounting fraud companies are adopting it in droves. Because it is yet another name for hacking on the fly without a plan kids, not professionals, kids, love it. No. Getting paid to do something doesn’t make you a professional. Winning $20 shooting hoops in the park does not make you a member of the NBA and neither does getting paid to hack on the fly without a plan. … Iowa Caucus 2020 – AGILE’s Third Mega-FailureRead more
When Competition Isn’t a Good Thing
Competition. Culturally we’ve all been told it’s a good thing. It drives down prices and makes life more affordable for consumers. The dirty little secret is it always drives down quality and safety. In many cases it makes both non-existent. This doesn’t matter so much when it is a T-shirt from Walmart that doesn’t survive its first trip through the wash but it does when it comes to automobiles, airplanes and medical devices. Competition based … When Competition Isn’t a Good ThingRead more
Qt 6 – Remove Console from JavaScript and QML
I originally sent this to the qt-interest mailing list but haven’t seen it bubble out to the world so re-posting here and, hopefully many other places. === This is becoming a growing issue in the industry. The Console object needs to be removed from Qt. The project I walked onto I had to spend a week digging it out because it violates the coding standards but that story was pushed deep into the backlog and … Qt 6 – Remove Console from JavaScript and QMLRead more