Posted inInformation Technology

Medical Device Developer Linux – Pt. 2

Since people messaged me directly about Medical Device Developer Linux this requires more posts. Quite possibly I’ll have to add a “user forum” to this blog. Doubtful many of you will post though given the secured environments some of you message from. I didn’t want to put more thought into it right away so thanks for that! :P Our featured image was provided by Scope Younger developers have been a bit confused about the … Medical Device Developer Linux – Pt. 2Read more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Medical Device Developer Linux

We desperately need a Medical Device Developer Linux distro. I know I’ve blogged about this before, but with all the wet-behind-the-ears kids thinking Agile is software engineering (it’s not) and that it is okay to push whatever steaming pile of excrement came out the back end of the nightly build onto the installed base because they are the Alpha testers . . . I have to vent again. Our featured image was provided by … Medical Device Developer LinuxRead more

Posted inInformation Technology

C++ — That Const Thing

Const is what makes C++ great. Const is what makes C++ too horrible to work with. Developers who read those “Effective” books on C++ really screw the pooch. The developers working on the Qt library who hide everything anyone would want to override inside a “private” class only documented in the source file for the actual class and buried behind a macro passing most everything to it as const make the “screw the pooch” developers … C++ — That Const ThingRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Windows Update KB5034441 and Error 80070643

Error 80070643 is something that won’t “fix itself.” Part of me thinks it was deliberate because most of the “fix” recommendations consist of “upgrade to Windows 11.” Nobody wants Windows 11! It just might go down in computer history as the Next Windows Vista or Windows 8 from the grave. Microsoft seems to have forgotten the “Personal” part of “Personal Computer.” Yes, many of us do much online, but we want our computers to be … Windows Update KB5034441 and Error 80070643Read more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

The Myth of QML

I have railed against the incredibly poor design of QML for years. Even wrote about The Death of Commercial Application Frameworks because just like the RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools of the 1990s, they have run their course. If you want to read more about the RAD tool era read this book. Only in a shop using Agile could such a horrible design ever get considered. In a real Software Engineering shop that uses Waterfall … The Myth of QMLRead more