The water additives market is pretty huge now. You can have anything from premeasured powder “sticks” to highly concentrated drops if you don’t want to buy preflavored water.
Flavor enhancers are now marketing themselves as energy drinks adding multiple B vitamins and in many cases caffeine. Some even add vitamins C & E with antioxidants to improve their health marketing. What we don’t have is the ultimate enhancer. Nicotine.
Think about it. Nicotine isn’t the problem with tobacco products, it’s everything else in the tobacco as a result of processing. If you really want to cut down on the overblown problems with smoking, you need a new “nicotine dispenser”. For those of you unfamiliar with the phrase “nicotine dispenser”, according to a 60 Minutes expose on the tobacco industry, that is what the tobacco industry calls cigarettes.
We have nicotine gum and tablets. Both of which I’m told are downright nasty if you actually taste them. Why not hide the flavor while adding in a bunch of vitamins and antioxidants?
The first company to bring this product to market wins. If you think it’s a bad market, just look at how big RJ Reynolds is. I’m actually surprised they haven’t purchased one of these water enhancer product lines just to launch this very product given the blurb on the company Web site about “transforming tobacco”.