Posted inInformation Technology / Investing / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Did You Ever Wonder Why Billing Rates in Florida are Criminally Low?

No, it’s not due the massive “import/export” business running through Florida, it’s Senior Abuse. That and the fact that the FBI hasn’t bother putting anyone in prison for violating the DOL prevailing wage law which went into effect with the H1-B reforms. You know, the laws that made it a federal crime to pay an H1-B less than the DOL prevailing wage and made it an even bigger federal crime to hire an H1-B when … Did You Ever Wonder Why Billing Rates in Florida are Criminally Low?Read more

Posted inThank You Sir May I Have Another

Why Not Split

Things get stuck in my head and I cannot get them out. This is how geeks end up surfing the Web from a laptop in bed at 2AM, and they aren’t looking for porn. What started this bizarre mental journey was a bit of research on the current state of splitting H2O into Hydrogen and Oxygen via various means. For a change there was a pretty good writeup on Wikipedia. It appears electrolysis works and … Why Not SplitRead more

Posted inInvesting / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Ethics in Income Act

Many years ago we had news stories about someone occupying a chair at a major brokerage firm for six months while “ the board” searched for a fulltime candidate. After attending only a handful of meetings, this individual pulled the ripcord on a $360 million dollar golden parachute. Needless to say, the blue and white collar workers who had retirement accounts holding mutual funds managed by said brokerage firm were immediately crying foul. The brokerage … Ethics in Income ActRead more

Posted inThank You Sir May I Have Another


Perhaps I’ve been an IT analyst too long. Perhaps I paid too much attention when I watched Food, Inc. Perhaps growing up on a farm has taught me too much about things city folk get befuddled on. All I know is that it gets frustrating to see see things like this, which were obviously created more for marketing than journalism. First off, I also remember the ASK.COM commercial with the family driving the RV … EggzactlyRead more

Posted inInvesting / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

The Unseen Downside of a Down Economy

As a traveling consultant you would think that I would encounter this situation more often than I do. Well, one would think that if they didn’t know I usually try to take contracts long enough in length that I can move directly into a Corporate Housing unit rather than a hotel. My current contract was a phone call of desperation out of the blue. It seems that I specialize in these contracts anymore…off-shore resource brought … The Unseen Downside of a Down EconomyRead more