The title kind of says it all. I remember those times. Perhaps I’m part of the last generation which will remember such times. I know prior generations held firmly to the belief. No matter where they came from, any able bodied person who found themselves in the ghetto hated being there and worked any job they could find to get out of the ghetto. Today this isn’t the case. Sadly many people think being a … Does Anyone Else Remember When the Ghetto Was Universally Hated?Read more
Thank You Sir May I Have Another
Tales that just make you want to scream and other humiliating kicks to the crotch.
It May Not Be Your RAM
Several months ago it seemed like my monitor quit working after a reboot. It had been working just fine before that, so, naturally I was perplexed. My ViewSonic VG2030wm had never failed me before, and it “seemed” like it should be working. I swapped out the video card for another card with DVI port and had some odd display. OpenSuSE told me the monitor was not responding with its type which seemed quite strange. Both … It May Not Be Your RAMRead more
Why Not Cap and Trade Welfare
I had a rather large discussion about this last night in a chat room. It was pretty obvious, the one government worker championing leaving Welfare as it is, completely unsupervised and draining the economy, had no idea what it was like being on the other side paying taxes so multiple generations of families could choose “ Welfare as a Lifestyle” without ever applying for a job. The rest of us proposed common sense limits. Within … Why Not Cap and Trade WelfareRead more
Thanking the Japanese Beetle
I’ve had this conversation a few times now with a friend, so it is time to share it with you. There seems to be a lot of press as the Japanese Beetle makes its way across the country. This was one of those chemical reduction experiments which caused us to triple the amount of deadly chemicals actually used…but it was the thought which counted. During the 70s and 80s there was a lot of talk … Thanking the Japanese BeetleRead more
Part Supersession Debacles
I have run into this problem so many times during my career it is not funny. You get this problem when you higher managers from rinky-dink schools like Keller and combine them with engineers willing to work for below market salaries. What is the problem? The misguided and ill-informed decision you can save money by using a single part supersession database for but current production assembly and field support. Oh, believe me, I’ve seen all … Part Supersession DebaclesRead more