As you get older in life, you begin to appreciate the importance of being a well rounded individual. Though it may sound counter intuitive, a well rounded individual won’t slide down a slope covered with marketing spin (a.k.a. bullshit.) Take the “marketing spin” being hurled by all sides in the current ethanol debate. I’ve been watching it for a while and the only real difference I see is the size of the shovel being used. … Ethanol Needs to Learn From WineRead more
Thank You Sir May I Have Another
Tales that just make you want to scream and other humiliating kicks to the crotch.
Acer Aspire One 722 Wireless Network Bug
After a few days of playing around with my new toy, I decided to install a bunch of software to make it my full time writing device. Of course the software installs required updates because this is a rolling distribution. After applying the updates, I could not boot unless I had a hard wired network connection. Some poking around on-line proved this was an Acer BIOS/Hardware problem. It also provided a solution. At power on, … Acer Aspire One 722 Wireless Network BugRead more
Our Love Affair With House
In many ways it is sad that “House” went off the air. While I know the producers, writers, etc. wanted to go out on top or at least close to it, the sad reality is that it also signifies our loss of hope. “House” was to the medical care debate what “Star Trek” was to the Cold War. Think about it. “Star Trek” gave us hope, and later cell phones, ION propulsion, and a lot … Our Love Affair With HouseRead more
Indiana Should Thank Illinois
Yes, they really should. We have genetic misfits being quoted in the paper about how much the new $1/pack increase on tobacco products is going to raise for the state. I’m not a bible thumper, but both the bible and scientists have said that repeated generations of brother and sister mating would eventually lead to non-viable offspring and Springfield now appears to be living proof of that. Illinois shares a long and winding border with … Indiana Should Thank IllinoisRead more
The Fastest Way to Boost E-85 Consumption
Quite honestly I get tired of hearing government officials spout about how we need to cut our dependency on foreign oil and boost renewable fuels consumption. I get tired of hearing about it because all they ever do is reach up their ass to the elbow and pull out a “target.” They then expect everybody to “just do it.” I’m also quite pissed about the automobile company bail out. Yes, I’d say I’m even more … The Fastest Way to Boost E-85 ConsumptionRead more