Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Dice – This is Broken

You would think, Dice, a site branding itself as being for “technology jobs” would know better than use Agile and off-shore labor. Nothing screams “I’m just a hack!” like using the phrase “full stack.” I don’t know for a fact they are using off-shore or visa worker labor, but that is definitely the quality of the software being turned into production. I’ve written about Agile on this blog before. I’ve even written a book on … Dice – This is BrokenRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Myth – Nobody Wants to Work

I’ve been hearing this myth, nobody wants to work, repeated by Qanon nutters and Trump supporters (same thing?) who are too stupid to look anything up for quite some time now. Every now and then you will get a propaganda machine that calls itself a news network (FOX) trotting out phrases like There are over 9 million open jobs in America. Propaganda networks What happens is they take well meaning valid data from the 50,000 … Myth – Nobody Wants to WorkRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

It’s time for all AI to be FDA regulated

There have been a lot of calls for Congress to regulate AI (Artificial Intelligence). Congress by itself can never achieve such a goal, though I thank Ted Lieu for trying. What Congress can do is make all things AI fall under the purview of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) just like any other medical device. Featured image is courtesy of Case for Medical Device Classification “But, but, but, . . . it’s just … It’s time for all AI to be FDA regulatedRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Investing / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

The Great Visa Worker Purge

Welcome to the Great Visa Worker Purge! Here we have corporate America running a fake cover story about a recession so they can purge well over a quarter million visa workers without going to prison. Why do they need a cover story? Because perjury comes with a prison sentence just like wire fraud does. More than 11 years ago the CEOs testified under oath in Washington that there was a “skills gap” in America and … The Great Visa Worker PurgeRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

The Fake Recession

You have been hearing lots of recession talk in the news. It’s all marketing for a fake recession to hide the fact companies got caught with their hand in the financial cookie jar again. Donald Trump has proved to the world that people are imbeciles who will believe anything if they hear it enough. There are still people who believe him and believe the rigged election bullshit despite 60 failed lawsuits that provided zero evidence … The Fake RecessionRead more