Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 18

The Internet has no shortage of “how to cross compile Qt for Pi Web pages.” Most of them kind of were “right enough” at one point in time for a subset of people. Most of them don’t bother to tell you what the host system is. I suspect many of them used a 32-bit host system which masked most of the problems with their instructions. The instructions found here definitely fall into this category. How … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 18Read more

Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 17

On the desktop most of the application looks like this: One of the many things which is nice about widget based projects and the designer is that we get some really good widgets and can (usually) see what things will look like before we compile. That file chooser is all built in and the calendar select widget is already there for us to use.   void MainWindow::importAction() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr(“Lotto Data to … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 17Read more

Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 16

As I pointed out many times in my Qt and databases book, most of the database examples you find online and even in official Qt documentation are shit. This is not my ego talking. They all do everything in the main event loop. Almost all of the cheat by using only a handful of rows so everything “seems” to work. Then you try to use it on real data and wonder why the application seems … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 16Read more

Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 15

I need to continue yesterday’s discussion about good architectural design a bit. Particularly the part about not shoving everything into RAM. I see two different kinds of C++ developers on Qt projects. Those who want to be one with the OOP. Every piece of data, including an integer, should be an object derived from the most holy object to end world hunger and bring world peace. To them you should be pushing the envelop going … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 15Read more

Posted inInformation Technology / Raspberry Pi

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 14

If this were one of my geek books, we would spend an inordinate amount of time with me dissecting code in order to teach you something. But, you didn’t pay for this, so I’m only going to speak about one source file. (You really shouldn’t just thieve things on the Internet, you should pay for them. Christ! There’s an ebook which sells for a buck. Are you trying to turn into a universally hated arch … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 14Read more