Russian Dolls By Cristelle Comby New Adult – Mystery&Detective Date Published:3/13/2013 Alexandra Neve is a student at University College London whose world suddenly falls apart. When her best friend jumps from the university’s rooftop, she can’t stop herself from asking, ‘Why?’ The police rule her friend’s death a suicide and for them the case is closed — so whom can she turn to for help?Sometimes the person you need the most is the one you … Russian DollsRead more
Blogs about writing and the publishing industry.
Asking a Writer to Give Up Nicotine is Like Asking a Shark Not to Swim
I was never a regular watcher of “Sex and the City”. Quite possibly I didn’t see my first episode until it was about off the air. I have this habit of waiting for popular shows to migrate down to lesser known stations which run them in marathons. I hate to admit it, but I didn’t get into NCIS until after USA started running marathons of it. One thing I did notice was the Carrie character … Asking a Writer to Give Up Nicotine is Like Asking a Shark Not to SwimRead more
Spare Parts to End Writer’s Block
I’ve actually stopped subscribing to all by one physically printed and mailed writing magazine. In part I stopped because of all the wasted space covering poetry. If you want to ensure a book with multiple millions of dollars in marketing effort sells fewer than 500 copies, choose a poetry book. Not a book of naughty nursery rhymes ala Andrew Dice Clay, but what poets cal poetry today. The main reason I’ve chose to stop letting … Spare Parts to End Writer’s BlockRead more
Good Writing Equals Good Radio
I used to read a lot more writing magazines than I do now. Now I’m down to just one and am always amazed at the diametrically opposed advice columns which run over the course of a year. There will be countless interviews and advice snippets from authors with one or two books under their belt stating “read constantly” and “ don’t watch TV.” Later in the same year you will find snippets from someone like … Good Writing Equals Good RadioRead more
Automatic Concordance File Creation
Wanna be technical writers search in vain for this pink Unicorn. You see, the ugliest part about writing a technical book is creation of the index. Normally this involves a lengthy reading process where you select each word with the mouse and do a bunch of manual clicking and keying to create some hidden codes in the document file. These hidden codes will then be processed when the users chooses to “create index” and, in … Automatic Concordance File CreationRead more