Posted inInformation Technology / Politics

Is California a Modern Day Jim Crow State

On New Years Eve, like many geeks, I set about doing some year end backups and OS upgrades. It also lead to some experiments with OpenMandriva and OpenSuSE Tumbleweed, but that is fodder for another post. I bring it up to set the stage for why I ended up surfing to the UseNet group “Political Euwetopia” and being entertained by people who obviously haven’t been taking all of their meds. You can’t really do much … Is California a Modern Day Jim Crow StateRead more

Posted inPolitics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Those Norman Rockwell Mornings

I catch quite a bit of flack for choosing to live in Illinois. People claim it is the most corrupt state in the union because we have put more politicians in prison than any other state. Well, it’s not. We just have a much lower tolerance level when it comes to corrupt politicians. Yes, they are all corrupt, but if they are actually doing a good job we don’t put them in prison. Hopefully our … Those Norman Rockwell MorningsRead more

Posted inInvesting / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Lip Service and Bribes

I have recently finished reading the Time magazine article on Oklahoma quakes. (Yes, I’m a bit behind on reading.) It was probably a good thing I didn’t read the article when it first came out as now most of the news shows are starting to talk about this same subject. Once again we have lobbyists passing out bribes so nothing has to change when the massive increase in earthquake activity tells anyone with a pulse … Lip Service and BribesRead more

Posted inInvesting / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Thunderdome Meets Today

Science and dystopian fiction writers are always viewed as someone wearing an armadillo shell hat while lining their vehicles and homes with tin foil. At least until they write something which becomes a mega-million dollar grossing movie. Then everyone wants to be part of their entourage. One thing which I always remembered from watching Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome was the retort the little hog raising guy had for Mel Gibson. Not sh*t! Energy! As … Thunderdome Meets TodayRead more

Posted inInformation Technology / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

What is a “Government Issued Phone?”

Yes, Hillary greased up and slipped through the fingers of justice again, just like her hubby is prone to do. Yes, Tim Cook of Apple decided the company could make more money protecting terrorists and pedophiles than it ever could helping to protect global citizens from them. All of this should leave the average citizen wondering why everyone isn’t trying to get out of America and questioning the sanity of those trying to get in. … What is a “Government Issued Phone?”Read more