After a few days of playing around with my new toy, I decided to install a bunch of software to make it my full time writing device. Of course the software installs required updates because this is a rolling distribution. After applying the updates, I could not boot unless I had a hard wired network connection. Some poking around on-line proved this was an Acer BIOS/Hardware problem. It also provided a solution. At power on, … Acer Aspire One 722 Wireless Network BugRead more
Information Technology
Posts relating to the IT industry
Mint 13 KDE on Acer Aspire One 772
I’ve been tired of my Toshiba A215 notebook since I bought it. I was in a situation where I needed to replace my existing notebook when I bought it and Microcenter had a “deal” on it. The “deal” was it was cheaper if I walked out the door carrying it and a Cannon Pixima printer than if I bought the notebook alone. The Pixima was a source of frustration with expensive ink and continual error … Mint 13 KDE on Acer Aspire One 772Read more
Windows 8 – Vista Part Deux
It is difficult for me to not pick up the phone these days and make an “I told you so” call to a past client. This guy was absolutely baptized by Microsoft. We were developing some software on Linux and I cannot tell you the number of times I heard “this would take me 15 minutes in DOT NET.” Naturally I responded “it would run on only one machine, yours, the last Windows user in … Windows 8 – Vista Part DeuxRead more
InfoSys Nailed Again!–finance.html?_esi=1 This time by an account manager! If anyone should have know about the criminal activity it should have been the account manager.
There Never Was a Skills Gap
It’s quite refreshing to find out that now even the Wall Street Journal is supporting the very statement I have made for years. There is not now, nor was there ever a skills gap. I love this quote from the article: I had an employer write to me the other day saying they had a skills gap, and they really did. It wasn’t wages, because they did market wage surveys, and they were paying what … There Never Was a Skills GapRead more