It should come as no surprise discussion about the minimum wage is heating up. Add in the fact an election is just around the corner and you find no shortage of politicians trying to talk out of both sides of their mouths to get your vote. There can be only one viewpoint when it comes to the massively widening gap between executive pay and the average employee. It’s an epidemic which dwarfs Ebola and most … Labor Day and Minimum WageRead more
Information Technology
Posts relating to the IT industry
What if Microsoft Made Refrigerators?
This question came up today. Actually it came up a while back and I finally looked at the message today. What if Microsoft made refrigerators? The question is an apt one for business systems which is why so few MBAs think to ask it. If Microsoft made refrigerators they would periodically require a manual reboot, everything in them would spoil and you would just accept that. Well, you would accept it until you found out … What if Microsoft Made Refrigerators?Read more
First Aereo – Now Google
In an absolutely stunning move the Supreme Court might have justified its existence with the Aereo ruling. Most citizens had lost hope and faith in the institution with their ruling allowing corporations to patent and extract license fees for genes existing naturally in humans in plants. They single handedly allowed corporate greed to eliminate public variety seed placing in jepordy the world food supply as population quickly approaches 9 billion. And let’s not forget the … First Aereo – Now GoogleRead more
Icky of Gnome
Recently I upgraded to Mint 17 to get back on an LTS revision. I couldn’t wait for KDE to come out so I went with the version built for Gnome 3 (Cinnamon). It’s not as ugly as Gnome usually is. Graphics drivers seem better as does the font rendering. It might even be slightly faster on this 4Gig 64-bit AMD dual core netbook that the previous version was. I was kind of shocked to find … Icky of GnomeRead more
The Ever Shrinking Definition of Fully Equipped
As a traveling consultant I spend a lot of time in extended stay type hotels. Unless I’m traveling to a client site where I’ve worked previously I tend to spend the first month or more at these types of places. It is best to leave both yourself and the client an escape hatch. Sadly many of these types of places either don’t bother to read the IRS per-diem publications or believe the combined food and … The Ever Shrinking Definition of Fully EquippedRead more