Posted inExperience / Humor

Cadet Bone Spurs – Too Funny

Ah Tammy, I gotta admit you get full points for that one! There was a bit of a kerfuffle when you were running for election involving the VA, but you are earning full credits now, and I say that as a Republican. If you haven’t yet read about it, click the link. During the draft when the less fortunate were going off to die, Cadet Bone Spurs used wealth and privilege to get deferment after … Cadet Bone Spurs – Too FunnyRead more

Posted inHumor / Information Technology / Thank You Sir May I Have Another


Your security is only as good as the staff. Make sure your secure backup cabinet is bolted to the floor. An urgent investigation has been launched by the Australian government after a pair of locked filing drawers containing top secret Cabinet documents were accidentally sold as second-hand furniture. Can you imagine the CIA or FBI having to fess up to an office furniture upgrade having released thousands of classified files into the wild? Only upgrade … Oops!Read more

Posted inExperience / Humor / Stories

Farmer Fred and the IRS

Most of today’s youth cannot comprehend a world before the touch tone phone where a basic adding machine cost north of $400. Heck, most of today’s youth don’t even know what a touch tone phone is. Well, this story takes place during that time you cannot imagine. Such is the time when this story takes place. While I was a child I was old enough to understand the story I heard. I do not remember … Farmer Fred and the IRSRead more