Posted inExperience / Investing / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Google AdWords and the Fool

Some number of years ago I wrote articles for or some blog portion of it. I don’t even know if they have that site or any portion of it anymore. I actually got along with one of the people I reported to, so not a bad experience. Then, one day, when management was changing hands or some such thing, I created and submitted a post saying Google made a lot of money on click … Google AdWords and the FoolRead more

Posted inExperience / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Comet TV – What Syfy Used to Be

It’s no secret the Syfy channel has went to complete shit. They were a big reason I dumped DirecTV. Why pay all of that money when the networks I used to love aren’t worth watching anymore? Turns out I’m not the only one who lost patience with them when they went all fake-reality all the time they weren’t running professional wrestling. Seriously, the amount of steroids those wrestlers consumer is interesting from a “why aren’t … Comet TV – What Syfy Used to BeRead more

Posted inExperience / Stories

The Girlfriend Experiment

Time magazine ran an article about “The Girlfriend Experience” quite some time ago. The concept is both intriguing and under explored in general popular works although there has been a new television series based on something similar. Basically a woman with a good career and a well off family decides to experiment with prostitution. Not street walking but hired girlfriend for events and weekends. This subject matter has been popping up in bit roles for … The Girlfriend ExperimentRead more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

How to Set Up Mutt to Work With Email

Every now and then you are going to need to send email from the command line. In the world of OpenVMS we did it from batch jobs all of the time. Yes, there were abort routines which would notify all operators currently logged in and who had typed REPLY/ENABLE at their terminal, but, you still sent email just in case. OpenVMS had a robust email system long before we had an Internet, indeed, long before … How to Set Up Mutt to Work With EmailRead more