Posted inExperience / Information Technology

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 3

The Sacrificial Lamb Eventually, if time allows, I will attempt to cross compile both programs to off-the-shelf Android and Raspberry Pi targets. You have already seem the Raspberry Pi target but for the Android target I chose the RCA Viking Pro as our sacrificial Lamb. Yes, it is a mortal sin to purchase anything from Walmart. Most likely I just enriched North Korea via China via Walmart somehow. I used this for several hours setting … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 3Read more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 2

We need to establish a time frame before I start showing any code. Yes, you can go visit Source Forge to pull down what is there if you are well and truly desperate to view it. This portion is more about the journey than the code. xpnsqt The xpnsqt program was originally written around the time IBM sunset OS/2 which, according to this article, spanned the time frame between March 12, 2003 and December 31, … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 2Read more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 1

Occasionally life gives you a chance to look back at your past and to allow others to resoundingly embarrass you for it. This weekend is such an occasion. Yes, I have a party for my nephew to attend and I will visit my dad at least once if not twice, but, the weather isn’t going to cooperate enough that I can help my brother continue planting season. In an ordinary year we would be long … How Far We’ve Come – Pt. 1Read more

Posted inExperience / Information Technology

Qt 5.8.0 – The Microsoft Blues

Microsoft is long known for releasing bug ridden bloatware then charging for the bug fixes. Windows Vista followed by its bug fix Windows 7 and who could ever forget Windows ME? In its defense, Windows ME was not an operating system. It was a task switching GUI running on top of DOS fraudulently sold as an operating system just like 2000, 98, 95, 3.1x, 3.x, 2.x, 1.x and “for workgroups.” Anyone using or writing PC … Qt 5.8.0 – The Microsoft BluesRead more