After having this BOINC machine basically down for a while I decided to give PCLinuxOS another go. I plugged in an external USB drive, inserted my Terabyte Image for Linux CD and rebooted. Once it was off I kicked off a bare metal backup and went about my business. A bit later I walked over and looked at the screen. I had never seen the backup spit up this dialog. It told me there were … When It Rains It PoursRead more
What life gives you when it doesn’t give you want you want.
Marketing Means Don’t Be an Asshole
Over the past few weeks emails like this one have been circling around. ==== Subject: Do You Want MORE Reviews For Your Newest Book? Hello, I saw on Goodreads that you are interested in getting more reviews for your newly published book. I am offering an inexpensive book review tour service whereby your book will be promoted to a) 14,000+ book readers, targeted by genre b) 2,000+ active book bloggers c) Thousands of readers across … Marketing Means Don’t Be an AssholeRead more
Question From a Reader
The following question came in from a reader who happened to catch one of my posts on a programming email list. ==== As usual, I quite enjoy your detailed analysis coupled with historical contexts, since I learned my trade through those days (Sun SPARC workstations, VAX minicomputers running VMS, etc.). They are always entertaining, usually edifying, and sometimes nostalgic for me. :) I’m curious, though, about one particular point you made: Windows isn’t even going … Question From a ReaderRead more
Do You Really Think Any of the On-line Services Keep Your Identity Information Safe?
Maybe the TJ MAXX breach didn’t scare you because you don’t shop there. Maybe the Target breach didn’t scare you because you don’t shop there. Maybe the Yahoo breach didn’t scare you because you never opened an account. The RNC data breach probably didn’t scare you, even though Time and other outlets report the information contained date of birth along with your address and an RNC ID, simply because you never heard of it, but, … Do You Really Think Any of the On-line Services Keep Your Identity Information Safe?Read more
Why 1099?
Some pieces of this content have been in other posts by me. I’m going to put it all in one post so I can just send recruiters here rather than have the same conversation for the 32,767th time. Why 1099 instead of W-2 or Corp-Corp? I started in IT consulting well before we had the infamous 20 questions. I believe it was even before we had the sub-chapter S corporation as well. The options available … Why 1099?Read more