Rather than cut and paste to share I will share this via a link. We are looking at the Savings and Loan scandal all over again. Deregulation creates arch criminals like Jamie Dimon and Mr. Stumpf.
What life gives you when it doesn’t give you want you want.
And to think…
And to think, I wrote what became parts 42, 43 and 44 of “Twenty of Two – The Infamous They” soooo many months ago. Apparently the news media didn’t bother to read them, because once again they are going to immortalize a school shooter, perfectly preserved in the on-line archives for all time. They will spend countless hours discussing his family, his background, interviewing friends (if the shooter had any), continually milking the bloodshed for … And to think…Read more
Cadet Bone Spurs – Too Funny
Ah Tammy, I gotta admit you get full points for that one! There was a bit of a kerfuffle when you were running for election involving the VA, but you are earning full credits now, and I say that as a Republican. If you haven’t yet read about it, click the link. During the draft when the less fortunate were going off to die, Cadet Bone Spurs used wealth and privilege to get deferment after … Cadet Bone Spurs – Too FunnyRead more
FileZilla and OpenVMS
Oh, you’ve all been there. For whatever reason you are forced to edit something on your Linux desktop (because no professional uses a Microsoft product) Even the editors which _claim_ ftp support are completely worthless at file versions. PC based systems simply don’t understand what professional grade operating systems provide and the services production requires. You can move x86 based hardware into the computer room, but you can’t make it production quality. Most of the … FileZilla and OpenVMSRead more
Bitcoin – Intel – and the Coming Financial Near Apocalypse
Eventually a better version of this will most likely be included in “The Phallus of AGILE and Other Ruminations.” I wanted to get at least part of it written down while much of it is fresh in my mind. I went to visit friends shortly after New Years Eve and we got into a discussion on crypto currency. I almost communicated my point, but not quite. Speaking out loud is rarely as effective for me … Bitcoin – Intel – and the Coming Financial Near ApocalypseRead more