Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 4

Back in the day of Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) everyone had to use a modem to connect to either a bulletin board or friend’s computer. This was long before the Internet. Ordinarily people ran their Unix/Linux desktop systems from the root (all powerful) account and DOS, well, it didn’t have the concept of user accounts. Well, it later did when Digital Research released DR MDOS, but that is a story for a different time. At … Raspberry Qt – Part 4Read more

Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 1

I must apologize in advance. Yes, I’ve had to do quite a few things in the embedded/semi-embedded world with Qt on Linux. Yes, this increasingly means cross compiling Qt applications to run in various configurations on the Raspberry Pi. These posts will be sporadic and they will not be a soup to nuts tutorial on how to go from a box showing up in the mail to having a real usable embedded application on the … Raspberry Qt – Part 1Read more

Posted inThank You Sir May I Have Another

How Does a Person Shoot Themselves Twice in the Head?

I just finished watching “Kill the Messenger.” This is a docudrama about Gary Webb who broke the “CIA sells drugs to fund the Contra War story” then basically had is live destroyed. I agree with many critics that this movie is Jeremy Renner’s best work since “The Hurt Locker.” Don’t get me wrong, he’s good in The Avengers and basically that franchise but this is a role he disappeared into. Perhaps when he’s given a … How Does a Person Shoot Themselves Twice in the Head?Read more