Posted inInformation Technology

C++ 11 and Qt — Part 1

The medical device touch screen world tends to stay well behind on “new” standards and features and for good reason. Given the 5+ year FDA mandated testing and approval cycle for things with varying potential of catastrophic patient outcome bleeding edge isn’t a welcome thing. Judging from recent contract postings some devices are locked into Qt 3.3.x because that is what was used when they were first built. Until recently most newer devices were sticking … C++ 11 and Qt — Part 1Read more

Posted inInvesting / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Thunderdome Meets Today

Science and dystopian fiction writers are always viewed as someone wearing an armadillo shell hat while lining their vehicles and homes with tin foil. At least until they write something which becomes a mega-million dollar grossing movie. Then everyone wants to be part of their entourage. One thing which I always remembered from watching Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome was the retort the little hog raising guy had for Mel Gibson. Not sh*t! Energy! As … Thunderdome Meets TodayRead more

Posted inInformation Technology / Politics / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

What is a “Government Issued Phone?”

Yes, Hillary greased up and slipped through the fingers of justice again, just like her hubby is prone to do. Yes, Tim Cook of Apple decided the company could make more money protecting terrorists and pedophiles than it ever could helping to protect global citizens from them. All of this should leave the average citizen wondering why everyone isn’t trying to get out of America and questioning the sanity of those trying to get in. … What is a “Government Issued Phone?”Read more

Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 11

Notice the emit statement in the following code snippet. This is where I chose to force in the new line character for our communications protocol. void MainWindow::enterClicked() {     QByteArray msg( ui->lineEdit->text().toUtf8());     emit sendMessage( msg + “\n”);     LogikalLogger::Instance().logString( LogikalLogger::LL_INFO, “Sending message: ” + msg);     clearText(); } Now examine the readData() method. Notice how we append whatever came in to our internal QByteArray. Once that is done we search the buffer to see … Raspberry Qt – Part 11Read more

Posted inRaspberry Pi

Raspberry Qt – Part 10

You need a communications protocol But isn’t RS-232 our communications protocol? Well, it is the communications transport layer. If you read through the code you will see I set the baud rate to 9600 using a data/character protocol of 8 data bits No parity bits and 1 stop bits commonly labeled as 8-N-1. So isn’t our protocol 8-N-1? No. That is the data transmission protocol for the transport layer it is not a communications protocol. … Raspberry Qt – Part 10Read more