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Illegal Alien Raids Must Start at Elon Musk’s Tesla

Elon Musk with Tesla

Trump keeps spouting out that ass sitting on his shoulders about mass deportations and illegal alien raids, but is he willing to raid Elon Musk’s Tesla factories? Most of the “tech companies” courting favor from Trump now are hoping their shops don’t get raided.

Much of this rant is due to an article by Janna Herron posted on Yahoo Finance. While some of it is okay, it is painfully obvious she knows absolutely nothing about IT consulting and the use of H1-Bs. The very companies courting Trump’s favor should be the initial targets of illegal alien raids. I must thank Janna for including this chart.

Human Trafficking

The dirty little secret of IT and Tech Companies is human trafficking. When President Obamma received a full court press from Tech Companies claiming a shortage of IT workers, he publicly stated the expansion of visas would expressly prohibit replacing U.S. workers with H1s. So much for that promise. California became the newest Jim Crow state only it was Indians instead of blacks. Oh, to be sure that was only the beginning. Cognizant isn’t the only Indian firm to systematically replace U.S. Citizens with low skilled low wage Indians. Collabera and their clients engage in it as well. You will be hard pressed to find any company listed in that graphic that isn’t wholesale replacing U.S. Citizens with H1 and other visa workers, even if the visa the person holds does not allow them to legally work in America.

The Fraud That Stuck In My Craw

Quote from Article

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Vendor Management Systems

Early on when Indian firms wanted to flood the IT market, they enlisted Gartner Group and others to get corporate America to install Vendor Management Systems. Conceptually these systems existed to support factories needing to source common components from vetted suppliers for the current lowest price. Oil filters, bearings, etc. The key phrase is vetted suppliers. It does not mean illegal aliens and anyone claiming to sell a “compatible” part.

As every buyer for every factory, service, and construction company soon found out, just because it says it is a grade 8 bolt doesn’t mean it really is a grade 8 bolt. MBAs quickly contracted a fatal case of Grade 8 Bolt Syndrome. College educated highly skilled U.S. Citizens were quickly replaced by H1 workers that mostly had a week or two of some boot camp. Now the march to wholesale American worker replacement begins.

How to institute the wholesale replacement of U.S. Citizens by unqualified Indians? Vendor Management Systems combined with scammed “salary surveys” where only Indian firms were surveyed. There never was a skills gap.

Why Were the Surveys Necessary?

Initially MBAs simply slashed all billing rates in half and had the Vendor Management System block all submissions above that rate? Why did they need this? Because they had to prove no American worker was available to fill the role? After N days of listing on the Vendor Management System it would generate the necessary report stating there were no available U.S. Citizens. A company had to prove they were not randomly choosing a shit rate so they needed a fake salary survey to support the shit rate in their Vendor Management System.

Many vendors of Vendor Management Systems went/go so far as to provide the salary survey data directly to their customers which is price fixing.

To Get Around Legitimate Price Fixing Criminal Charges

More than one person pointed out the above practice was price fixing on a country wide scale. Now they issue alerts to the person in charge of operating they Vendor Management System for the client company. What is the point of the alerts? To trigger an email/letter starting out much like the following:

If you do not immediately remove candidate-id from submission it will effect future business…

letter to candidate supplier

Apparently you have to agree to not save these emails and submit them to either the Department of Labor or Department of Justice to stay a vendor supplying IT workers through the Vendor Management System. Now, corporate America has the perfect labor scam. They get a bogus salary survey, key in billing rate ranges that are less than half of market rate, and illegally threaten to kick any vendor off their Vendor Management System that submits anyone above posted rate range.

There are no protections for American workers.

It is not just IT. This is impacting doctors and nurses as well. Most corporations run by MBAs and/or Oligarchs have latched onto this method of canning U.S. workers so they can hire cheaper labor. Even Disney replaced its IT staff with Indians and made the current staff train their replacements.

Non-working Visas

Visas that do not allow a person to work, such as those for an H1 spouse or for a “seminar/presentation” visit have been completely abused by Indian companies and corporations using Vendor Management Systems. Infosys had to pay $34 million for wanton abuse of these visas and they aren’t the only company. When Cognizant got busted for visa abuse John Deere suddenly had sixty (60) embedded C++ with Qt experience contracting openings at three different locations.

The H1 System Must Be Gone and Not Replaced

No visa system shall ever be recreated to bring in “skilled workers” until there is a Department of Education certified formal skills testing program. If you never went to college then you cannot claim to be a skilled IT worker. America is a country with a Labor Day holiday yet it constantly abuses labor and misdirects the population to a fight over minimum wage.

No matter what “safeguards” lawmakers cook up for a new skilled labor visa program they will be gotten around. Just look at how easy it has been for corporations to get around visa laws to replace American workers with illegal aliens.

Where to Target Illegal Alien Raids

Make no mistake if you are working in a high paying industry like IT on a non-work visa you should be rounded up with illegal alien raids and that list of companies in the graphic is where to start. Follow it up with Caterpillar, John Deere, Baxter, and Medtronic. Basically every company using a Vendor Management System.

You really need to make Vendor Management Systems illegal. They make it too easy to end-run labor and visa laws.

What is the American Dream?

This is what has been forgotten.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door!

Anyone remember that quote from the plaque on the Statue of Liberty?

The American Dream isn’t “con Americans into massive student loan debt getting trained for jobs illegal aliens will be brought in to do so Oligarchs can get richer.The American dream, as was codified in our culture, is to accept those who have nothing that are willing to work the shit jobs for minimal wages, pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, never forgetting that someone first had to give them the boots.

Elon Musk has forgotten that America gave him the boots.

Migrants Crossing the Border

Migrants crossing the border are not the problem. Indeed they gave us the soft landing. There is only one solution to the H1 problem. America must pass the Hundred Fold Rule. This bars any officer, executive, consultant, or board member from receiving more than 100 times the total compensation of the lowest wage worker for any division or contracted company anywhere in the world.

Illegal Alien Raids must start at the corporations where executives and board members make more than 100 times the lowest wage worker they have anywhere in the world. This will stop the H1 abuses as well.

Roland Hughes started his IT career in the early 1980s. He quickly became a consultant and president of Logikal Solutions, a software consulting firm specializing in OpenVMS application and C++/Qt touchscreen/embedded Linux development. Early in his career he became involved in what is now called cross platform development. Given the dearth of useful books on the subject he ventured into the world of professional author in 1995 writing the first of the "Zinc It!" book series for John Gordon Burke Publisher, Inc.

A decade later he released a massive (nearly 800 pages) tome "The Minimum You Need to Know to Be an OpenVMS Application Developer" which tried to encapsulate the essential skills gained over what was nearly a 20 year career at that point. From there "The Minimum You Need to Know" book series was born.

Three years later he wrote his first novel "Infinite Exposure" which got much notice from people involved in the banking and financial security worlds. Some of the attacks predicted in that book have since come to pass. While it was not originally intended to be a trilogy, it became the first book of "The Earth That Was" trilogy:
Infinite Exposure
Lesedi - The Greatest Lie Ever Told
John Smith - Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars

When he is not consulting Roland Hughes posts about technology and sometimes politics on his blog. He also has regularly scheduled Sunday posts appearing on the Interesting Authors blog.

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