Posted inInformation Technology / Thank You Sir May I Have Another

Another Reason AGILE Sucks

I don’t have a Twitter account, nor do I want one. Interesting Authors Blog has a Twitter feed so once in a blue moon I click the box at the right on that blog and verify things look okay. Today I found out there is yet another bug in this “Social Media Auto Publish” plug-in from Never get anything from these people. It is just untested shit. Shiny examples of why AGILE Methodology is nothing short of criminal fraud.

This isn’t the first major catastrophe with this script. The first was an update getting pushed out raising the minimum Php version required. Nothing in the update script bothered to test for the minimum though. Just assumed if it was installed it was already good, despite the fact this was the first release requiring the new minimum. Yes, I had to find and fix that myself. Their support was completely worthless.

Now there seems to be some kind of bug with posts which don’t have any images in them. Not __EVERY__ post without an image, just my current story series. I’m suspecting the problem is posts which have neither images nor tags. Either way this is a shining example of why people teaching and praising AGILE should be purged from the gene pool.

As an IT professional I am morally offended that people accept all software will be worthless shit. We can thank Microsoft for that. Thirty plus years in business and still hasn’t released a properly tested product. Quite honestly, hasn’t released a product worth buying.

At any rate, I learned adding an image of any kind and updating those early “My Orphan” posts got them pushed to Twitter correctly. I also changed the name to the title of the book.

“Twenty of Two – The Infamous They”

Roland Hughes started his IT career in the early 1980s. He quickly became a consultant and president of Logikal Solutions, a software consulting firm specializing in OpenVMS application and C++/Qt touchscreen/embedded Linux development. Early in his career he became involved in what is now called cross platform development. Given the dearth of useful books on the subject he ventured into the world of professional author in 1995 writing the first of the "Zinc It!" book series for John Gordon Burke Publisher, Inc.

A decade later he released a massive (nearly 800 pages) tome "The Minimum You Need to Know to Be an OpenVMS Application Developer" which tried to encapsulate the essential skills gained over what was nearly a 20 year career at that point. From there "The Minimum You Need to Know" book series was born.

Three years later he wrote his first novel "Infinite Exposure" which got much notice from people involved in the banking and financial security worlds. Some of the attacks predicted in that book have since come to pass. While it was not originally intended to be a trilogy, it became the first book of "The Earth That Was" trilogy:
Infinite Exposure
Lesedi - The Greatest Lie Ever Told
John Smith - Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars

When he is not consulting Roland Hughes posts about technology and sometimes politics on his blog. He also has regularly scheduled Sunday posts appearing on the Interesting Authors blog.